Profin Money Markets Ltd.

Results Year Ended 2009-2010

Audited Financial results for the quarter/Year ended 31st March, 2010                                                                                                         Figure In Lakhs
Particulars Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Year Ended  Year Ended 
  31.03.2010 31.03.2009 31.03.2010 31.03.2009
1. (a) Net Sales/Income from Operations - - - -
    (b) Other Operating Income - - - -
2. Expenditure     
a. Employees cost  0.12 0.10 0.43 0.43
b. Depreciation  0.33 0.40 1.30 1.59
c. Other expenditure (Administrative & General Exp.) 0.34 0.59 1.25 1.02
Total 0.78 1.09 2.98 3.04
(Any item exceeding 10% of the total expenditure to be shown separately) - - 2.42 4.99
3. Profit from Operations before Other Income, Interest and Exceptional Items (1-2)   (0.78)   (1.09) (5.40) (8.03)
4. Other Income   0.80 - 17.61 0.03
5. Profit before Interest and Exceptional Items (3+4) 0.82 (1.09) 12.21 (8.00)
6. Interest - - - -
7. Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items (5-6) 0.82 (1.09) 12.21 (8.00)
8. Exceptional items - 5.00 - -
9. Profit (+)/ Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7+8) 0.82 (6.09) 12.21 (8.00)
10. Tax expense - - - -
11. Net Profit (+)/ Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) 0.82 (6.09) 12.21 (8.00)
12. Extraordinary Item (net of tax expense Rs. ________) - - - -
13. Net Profit(+)/ Loss(-) for the period (11-12) 0.82 (6.09) 12.21 (8.00)
14. Paid-up equity share capital 200.60 200.60 200.60 200.60
(Face Value of the Share shall be indicated) Rs. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
15. Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of previous accounting year 38.12 38.12 38.12 38.12
16. Earnings Per Share (EPS)        
a) Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary items for the period, for the year to date and for the previous year (not to be annualized) 0.41 (3.04) 0.61 (0.40)
b)  Basic and diluted EPS after Extraordinary items for the period, for the year to date and for the previous year (not to be annualized) 0.41 (3.04) 0.61 (0.40)
17. Public Shareholding        
- No. of shares 660,100.00 354,600.00 354,600.00 354,600.00
- Percentage of shareholding 32.91 17.68 17.68 17.68
18. Promoters and promoter group Shareholding ** 1,345,900.00 1,651,400.00 1,345,900.00 1,651,400.00
a) Pledged/Encumbered 161,800.00 161,800.00 161,800.00 161,800.00
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) 12.02 9.80 12.02 9.80
Percentage of shares (as a% of the total share capital of the company) 87.98 90.20 87.98 90.20
b) Non-encumbered (Number of Shares) 1,184,100.00 1,489,600.00 1,184,100.00 1,489,600.00
Percentage of shares (as a% of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) 87.98 90.20 87.98 90.20
Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of thecompany) 12.02 9.80 12.02 9.80
  1. The above results for the Quarter/Year ended March 31, 2010 have been reviewed by the audit committee and were taken on record by the board of directors in its meeting held on May 30, 2010.
  2. During the Quarter/Year ended March 31, 2010 no investor complaint was received and there are no outstanding complaints.
  3. Previous period figures have been regrouped/rearranged wherever necessary.
  4. Promoter group shareholding has been reduced consequent upon the communication from a shareholder group.

Place : Gurgaon
Date : May 30,2010

For and on behalf of the Board
Anita Sehgal

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